sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2021

Investigación de Operaciones, Angela Silva

 Hola a todos, este blog es para colocar las aportaciones de la materia Investigación de Operaciones.  

Saludos, Angy!!

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Classification Essay Omar Núñez

Size does not mean Autonomy.

Actually, civil use airplanes are meant to be used for specific tasks such as tourism, training, mean of transport, cargo transport, fumigation and many other variants. All of these tasks require airplanes that best fits their needs.  One of these needs is the flight autonomy.

The flight autonomy can classify airplanes in three categories: those of low autonomy, medium autonomy and high autonomy airplanes usually named intercontinental airplanes. The difference between this categories is how far distance the airplane can travel with a load of fuel. For example a low autonomy airplane can fly an average of 500 km while a high autonomy airplane can fly an average of 10,000 km. But as is usually thinked autonomy is not always related with size or passenger capacity.

A low autonomy airplane can transport a limited number of passengers between short distances . It is common that regional airlines use this type of planes because the services they offer are for exclusive destinations with a low demand of passenger flow.  An example of this type of airplane can be the DeHavilland Dash 7 that can comfortably transport 40 passengers in short flights.  

                                             De Havilland Dash 7

In the Medium autonomy class, we can find a wide variety of airplanes of many manufacturers. This airplanes can fly an average of 5500 km, are very popular for airlines that provide transportation services in high demand air traffic zones with flights between neighbor countries or local flights. Aeromexico regional and international routes such as those between U.S.A or Caribbean are flown by this type of airplanes like the Boeing 737 that can transport an average of 150 passengers and its operational cost is very effective. But this classification is not exclusively for big and robust airplanes, there are some others of small size such as the Learjet 45 that provides the same autonomy but the number of passengers is limited.
                                                Boeing 737      
                                              Learjet 45

The last and for many people the most amazing classification, is occupied by the High Autonomy airplanes. Traditionally, this are enormous planes that  can transport at least 350 passengers. The lenght average for this airplanes is superior to 60 meters and can fly more than 10000 km with a load of fuel. The most popular plane of all times is the Boeing 747, usually called Jumbo. It can transport 450 passengers in a distance average of 12500 km. Its nearly competitor is the Airbus A380 that can transport more than 500 passengers depending of its configuration. But as was said on last paragraphs, size is not what defines autonomy. A clear example of it is the new Boeing 787 that is bigger than a medium size airplane but smaller than a Full size. This new option can transport between 200 and 300 passengers depending on its configuration with an autonomy of more than 15000 km, even more than a Jumbo jet.

                                         Boeing 747


                                              Boeing 787

The aeronautical world is covered by a wide variety of options that fits in every market. Airlines always search for the best operational cost and payback to invest in new airplanes. With the use of new manufacturing technologies and materials, airplanes manufacturers can offer more efficient airplanes for a very demanding market in which size is not related with autonomy and efficiency that airplanes can offer.

“Hybrid Cars”

The Hybrid cars help in different ways, the persons who has a hybrid car may be had one for different reasons but at the end all the reasons support each others.

One reason to buy a hybrid car may be is for the economic, you can drive more miles with less fuel because you obtain or save more efficiently the energy for itself.

Other reason it’s to help the environment, We protect more the earth to throw less quimical parts to the air. You pollute less with this kind of cars.

Some people doesn´t like this kind of cars because they think that this car run slowly or less than fuel cars. This point is true but if you use this cars in cities like Mexico this difference doesn’t matter because you drive in average for 35miles per hour.

Whatever you chose the reason you can think about this one, but you think too for the prize that you have to pay because now a days this car´s are very expensive for the technology but in a few years the prize will be as the other car´s.

What do you think?

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Descriptive Paragraph.

This is a grayscale portrait of a woman who seems to be between 55 and 60 years old. There are two details in this portrait; First is her gaze. 

Her eyes show sadness and resignation. Her left eye is completely open while her right eye is middle open, just as if she had stopped crying.  The second detail are her hands; she is holding in a folded U.S.A. flag, meaning of a soldier who was killed in battle. The way she is holding it is like if she is trying to huge somebody, maybe her dead son.

In my personal opinion, what her gaze and her hands are trying to explain is that how many more deaths are needed to stop a war.

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

"Shrimp that fall sleep, is taken by the current"

A few years ago i did my social service in one agency that always wanted to be there i did superb working relationships with several prominent people in the middle, finishing my service was offered to work there but another agency and had offered me job first and I decided to enter there because they paid more, time later resigned because I didn´t like the job and i wanted to return to the other agency but was already taken my place... :(

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Árbol que Nace Torcido, Jamás se Endereza

It means that there are persons that will never change. No matter how hard they try or people try to help them.

My Example:

I have a technician that I is not sure of himself and he is trying to acquire experience and knowledge. I have gave him confidence in order to have a better element in my team and let him be in contact with new machinery and instrumentation. 

But last week, I gave him a mercury thermometer that needed to be calibrated, I gave him because he is learning how to manage and calibrate temperature instruments. He finished the calibration and when he was putting away the standards and other thins using while calibrating, he knocked over the thermometer and it got damaged.

Now…. How can I trust him?

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

"It's better to be alone rather than being with a bad company"

Once, I had a pair of friends that always wanted to drink alcohol. They were a bad company because I was always drinking and this situation turned me poor and alcoholic.